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Program Info

We currently have two programs within the North End Community. Jamesville Bennetto Early Learning & Child Care Centre is located within Bennetto Elementary School at 47 Simcoe St. We came into being as a result of the Christ Church Cathedral’s outreach program and being a community partner with the local elementary schools. We are an inclusive program sensitive to the multicultural diversity in our community.

We are committed to integrate all children into the regular classroom setting with age appropriate role models. Specifically, we are sensitive to unique aspects of each child’s individual development, pattern and timing of growth and cultural background. Our teachers work closely with other professionals such as resource teachers, social workers and speech pathologists. Our staff offer support for parents and care givers in guiding their child’s behaviour effectively and accessing community resources and support.

We have an ‘Open Door’ policy. Parents are welcome at the Centres at any time but keep in mind we need to be sensitive to the needs of the individual child and the whole group. Parent participation is supported and encouraged.

We came into being as a result of the Christ Church Cathedral’s outreach program and being a community partner with the local Elementary Schools, (Bennetto Elementary School and St Lawrence Catholic Elementary School). We are an inclusive program sensitive to the multicultural diversity in our community. We have a commitment to integrate those children with special needs into the regular classroom setting with age appropriate role models. Specially, the Child Care Centre is sensitive to unique aspects of each child’s individual development, pattern and timing of growth and cultural background. Our teachers work closely with other professionals such as Resource Teachers, Social Workers, and Speech Pathologists. The staff offer support for parents and caregivers in guiding their child’s behaviour effectively and accessing community resources and support. We have an “open door” policy. Parents and Caregivers are welcome at the Child Care Centre at any time but keep in mind we need to be sensitive to the needs of the individual child and the whole group. Parent participation is supported and encouraged. We walk to and from St Lawrence school in addition to Bennetto school for our before and after programs. We are open for PA DAYS, MARCH BREAK, SUMMER BREAK, CHRISTMAS BREAK.